We all know Mindset training and discipline, it should be part of your daily routine because the flood of negativity is just waiting to take its former throne in the forefront of your mind. However, what you may not know are some of the subtle ways the negative mind surfaces in your thinking.
We went deep in to mindset training during Top Earner Academy Live (#TEAL2014) and learned about turning off the “little voice” that is not serving you. The following is a composition of what I learned plus my commentary, see if any of these afflict you:
“That might be easy for you.” What you really mean is “I’m not good enough to do that.”
“I know that already.” What you really mean is “I know it and I don’t do it.”
“That won’t work for me.” What you really mean is “I’m unsuccessful so I’m not going to try that either”
“But you haven’t met (blah blah, blah), or had to deal with (blah, blah, blah).” What you really mean is “Blah, blah, blah.”
These are all rooted in non-serving and self-sabotaging negative thoughts.
Have you ever told your friends or your upline,
“Well, this is just the way it is.” So does that mean you can’t change or won’t change? May as well say. “I want my life the way it is.” At least it will empower you to be decisive.
As Ray would say, “Telling it the way it is just keeps it the way it is.”
How would you like to flick these little negative cockroaches away? Would that work for you?

Ray Higdon is powerful speaker off stage and extraordinary on-stage as well as my coach in Top Earner Success School. image source : RayHigdon.com
Have you ever felt Overwhelmed? Guess what, this is a euphemism for Procrastination (I know – no mercy, right?). What it means is that you have so much information you haven’t acted on, that you should have already acted on, it’s piling up in your mind like rotting food in your stomach.
I know, it just seems like you never get a break doesn’t it.
Ray has said, “The broker you are, the more you need mindset training.” And I would suggest, being broke doesn’t just mean you don’t have any money, you could be so stripped of your will to survive that you need a drill sergeant or a life event to help bring your real needs to the forefront of your mind instead of the self-generated smoke screen that has hidden the real you.
That’s one of the values of personal development – you do not have to wait until life hammers you over the head and your family well-being put into jeopardy to understand that you can act on opportunities. Should you come across substantial wealth, doing it with personal development will also help you secure that new wealth. As Jim Rohn has said, “It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.” In other words, “That which has not been achieved through personal development is easily lost.” (that’s why so many lottery winners and many sudden wealth obtainers are worse off in a short period of time).
Fretting and worrying about taking your action is worse than just saying, “I will not do it.” Whether it’s stopping your destructive habits or starting your new business, being decisive will empower you so you can get to help others. Procrastinating and worrying will just provide you hell on earth.
Maybe it’s you, may be it isn’t, but I know that there is greatness in people that is ready for the curtains to sheer away to uncover their Light.
There’s no better time than now. Set the wheels in motion. Flick those little cockroach thoughts out of your head, far far away, and proceed to achieve your goals.
One of the best ways is to begin, either proximally or through influence, to surround yourself with people who take action in the area of your mission field. It’s contagious.
Another way is to set a time limit, set dates to act. Weekly or daily goals. Begin to solve the problem instead of fretting or worrying. Getting focused, getting a more objective will help focus your mind.
The best way is to decide to take direct consistent action in the most value added and impactful way in order to meet your goals.
It’s time you understand what taking full responsibility for your life means for whatever concerns you most. The time for complaining and blaming others or circumstances must come to an end if you are to make a change for the better and to let your Light shine.
The truth is not so much in what you are thinking, the truth is found in the actions you are taking.
And I’ll leave you with Ray Higdon’s famous and effective line,
“Stop looking at what you think you know and start looking at your Results – that’s what you really know.”
So did you like my cockroach analogy? If you did let me know, I’d appreciate your feedback!
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Hmmm, I just noticed the most read post is the “EDITED: CANDID DISCUSSION on MLM” one, very interesting. In the last week it just shot to the top of the “most curious” chart.
I’ll see you… on the next page
Also, I invite you to check out my first research on personal development in the form of a report/guide to OVERCOME this MENTAL OBSTACLE. Just sign in with your name and email on the online form on this webpage and it is all yours. BTW, I am currently planning to replace this offering with another offering, so the availability of this one is for a limited time.