VOLUME 1 NUMBER 17 (#81-85)
From your friend in network marketing: Tips for home business entrepreneurs for the week of September 13, 2015.

I don’t have a stock photo of Donald Trump to post but one of President Reagan will do. Image Credit: AP
Unscripted, off the cuff, and free, here is a list of Network Marketing Minutes I have published in the last week on my “Challen Yee” You-Tube Channel. They cover a variety of short subjects for people in the Network Marketing or MLM space or those considering it.
V1.81 Are you unknowingly misrepresenting the OPP?
V1.82 Working Harder or Smarter?
V1.83 Enthusiasm vs Confidence
V1.84 Presidential Opportunity
V1.85 Living without Regrets (work & family)
If you want the realtime MLM video update, go and subscribe to my You-Tube Channel at “Challen Yee”
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VIDEO: What to learn more about my history? Then check out: A little history about myself
I’ll see you… on the next page
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