Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #34
This is a bit of a follow on related to how “engineers” can communicate with their children.
The essential take away is, your children are more apt to be open to what you have to say if you take the time to build relationship with them – and what better way that to do something they enjoy doing -which is usually playing any number of games where they have some fun doing something together with you.
You don’t have to do anything extravagant.
If your child has already been bitten by the technology based, or internet game of his or her choice, then you may find it a good way to bridge the gap by spending some time to understand the game and eventually spend some time to play that with them too.
Everyone seeks to be understood and accepted for who they are, so even though you may not see eye to eye with them on the kind of games they are playing (as long as they are age appropriate and pass your decency test) meeting them where they are can help make your children feel less of an outlaw and more connected with you.
I had to ask myself why I did another video on “games” and I think we as fathers can get caught up in a number of deals, projects, businesses, work and so on, and the fact is, it can cut into the time you would ordinarily spend with your child.

My old shipmate, a serious fisherman, Roy with his friend Greg and Greg’s son. Marlin is 360#. Photo courtesy of Roy Sokolowski
Today’s Bonus Thought: “Faking it”
I don’t talk about this in the video, but what do I mean by “faking it”? For example, my son would like to go fishing. I wish I lived near some friends who fish regularly because then that would be an easy outing. Maybe you are no fisherman, I am not, but even if you cannot find a buddy who fishes, you ought to just wing it, get a fishing license and just drop a line of a pier where it’s legal to do so. That kind of experience might be just fine for a youngster who has never been fishing before.
So dad, there’s some bait for thought
P.S. I actually did take him fishing once during a Cub-Scout camping trip, my son actually caught-and-released a fish with a marshmallow for bait in small alpine lake. He’s still interested in fishing.
About Fatherhood in a Technological World
Fathers of young children in today’s modern society are facing unprecedented challenges with the wave of technology allowing ever easier access to the internet. The effect on your children has and will have a great influence on their growth. As a parent, you may be feeling the anxiety of having to confront the challenges of being at the end of the rail of the powerful forces driving technology into the laps and hands of your children.
Your work is cut out for you are a father. Even though popular culture doesn’t do well to herald the value of the leadership role of men in the form of fathers, let me tell you right now, being a father in this time and age has never been more important.
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