Author’s note: If you are new to my blog and are interested in reading about my Christian walk, I invite you to read 23.01 through 23.09 (they are located in the header menu). Consider how I arrived where I am and maybe we’ve crossed spiritual paths with some similar obstacles. However, the Bible reveals there is only one gateway to salvation and that is emphasized many of its passages.
Seek the “narrow” way emphasized by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In love, my posts are focused on driving your attention to that critical truth whether or not you are a Christian. If you are a Christian, you should be especially alert since there are many false teachings that offer multitudes a sense of false confidence.
This FAQ comes from one who desires a supernatural solution to either their problems or the world’s problems. There’s a lot of people who fall into this category.
The Bible is very clear that God’s plans are never thwarted. I know, this gets into the very difficult subject of “Why do people have to suffer?” “Why do bad people get away with hurting others?” and “Why isn’t there Justice?” Nevertheless, let’s consider that God has a plan and his plan is never thwarted and I’ll take a stab at explaining aspects of this reality.
In order for me to assert “God’s Plans are never thwarted”, I’ve had to see the results revealed in the history of the Israelites and the fulfilled prophecy found in Scripture. I am amazed at how God has delivered me from my own foolishness and waywardness and I have developed a real trust in the nature of God and the promises He makes. Important evidence also comes from the witnessing of other people, Christians or not, and the nature of people being exhibited now and throughout history.
In the past, I was like many people, skeptical about the Bible, and it has been a process of personal surrender to accept the authority of Holy Scripture. I’m experiencing the process of releasing trust in my own worldly influenced constructs and accepting the Truths revealed throughout Scripture.
Some of the key aspects of questioning God’s timing and purposes rests in the lack of understanding of God in the following areas and maybe more:
- God’s timing is not our timing – it’s a good thing that those who have not come to a saving repentant trust in the Lord Jesus Christ still have time, though at the deadly risk of being complacent. Every Christian is commissioned to be part of that effort to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In good times or in bad, the more aligned you are with the will of God, the more you are in tune with His desire to save the souls of others and not to be complacent in obeying His will.
- God works on refining the character of those who trust in Him – There’s a personal development saying that “you stay in the same circumstance until you learn the lesson you need by being there.” That’s a way of saying, God has provided a trial for you that involves becoming aware of the self-pride, self-righteousness, or other sinful vice that you need to be refined from. This can be at a personal level, a national level, and a world level. If God calls upon your soul today, nevermind any character flaws or sins you have been harboring, your very eternal salvation may be in peril. Personal Development training never dives into truth of eternal damnation, so being merely focused on the worldly manner of self-improvement is another part of the wide path that leads to destruction.
- God’s promise of life in His eternal kingdom – One of the greatest realities of Christian life rests in the promise of the inheritance offered to a child of God, This promise is the ultimate hope of all Christians even though our earthly life is meant to be lived to its fullest for the glory of God. Even in our weaknesses, joy, peace, provision are real blessings experienced by God’s people despite persecution, severe difficulty and turmoil. Our ultimate reward and hope is not bound in this world’s corruption or in its lusts.
- God is Trustworthy and Fulfills His promises – revealed in Scripture, in the fulfillment of prophecy, evidenced in the remarkable history of the Israelites and the rise and fall of kingdoms over the period of centuries gives a Christian an uncommon perspective. The supernatural preservation of this history is nothing less than remarkable and is also incomparable. God’s people have suffered and been delivered repeatedly in the past, the record of which gives Christian’s hope and a clearer understanding of the realities of evil, deliverance, and ultimate justice.
- God has already revealed in great detail the unfolding story – trusting in the Truth and Salvation made possible by the Lord Jesus Christ. He defeated death by His bodily Resurrection on the Third Day after His substitutionary death on the Cross for the sins of all who have and who will place their faith and trust in Him. This yields confidence in one’s future as a follower of Christ, now and in the eternal afterlife. One commonly referred to teaching of Jesus is found in John 16:33:
These things I have spoke to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Seek the Narrow Gate. Wide is the path to destruction.
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