Author’s note: If you are new to my blog and are interested in reading the 23.xx series, please first read the 23.01 through 23.09. Consider how I’ve misunderstood Christ’s lordship in my life and how God has delivered me from my trials. I am impassioned by Jesus Christ’s teaching of the “narrow gate” (Matthew 7:13-14) and, in love, my posts are focused on driving your attention to that critical truth.
One of the most neglected disciplines of people who confess themselves to be Christians is devoted Bible study.
The widespread ignorance, lack of diligence, and animosity for the Bible is an indication of how wide the path potentially is that leads to destruction. Many would let themselves be guided by a flippant meme rather than take the responsibility to find out for themselves what God has revealed in the Bible.
As in any serious study of ancient manuscripts, it is valuable for a student to understand its contextual, historical, and cultural foundations, all of which are aided by some scholarly guidance.

If you would like to get involved with an uncompromising Bible study, I recommend checking out an organization called Bible Study Fellowship International (aka BSF or
From its original founding over 70 years ago, BSF offers local in-person group studies for women, men, children, students, and young-adults.
The study is also available online where one can participate through an internationally supported group.
The study is offered free of charge and is conducted in over 120 countries, different languages, and involves 400,000 plus members. Each BSF study year (September through May) covers a major aspect of the Bible and groups around the world follow the same weekly lessons.
Throughout the study you will discover how the Bible is not a random collection of writings but rather, an orderly revelation of God’s sovereign character, purposes and plans, supernaturally revealed through many writers and prophets throughout several centuries.
God’s plan for the redemption of humankind is made clear and stands out as the true hope for all people. You will learn how the Lord Jesus Christ is critical in every facet.
From the vantage point of the Israelites, who God chose to reveal Himself in detail to the world, the Bible contains accurately preserved documents from over 1600 years of history and involving many ancient kingdoms and nations. Prophecy is a major part of God’s supernatural revelation and the Bible contains over 2500, of which about 2000 have been fulfilled and about 500 are yet to be revealed in future events.
Discover the treasure preserved in the Bible in a new study offered by BSF. Sign up ahead of time to reserve your seat. You may click on the link below:
This coming study year (2023-2024) begins in September with “John’s Gospel – The Truth” a critical study that is ideal for both new and veteran students of the Bible. The Gospel of John, the 4th Book in the New Testament, was written by one of the closest eye-witness disciples of Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry.
As an instrument of God’s instruction for humanity, the Bible remains supremely relevant for guiding one’s life, self-awareness, and for showing the Way to salvation and eternal life.

Seek the Narrow Gate. Wide is the path to destruction.
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