What’s the big deal about the first Century church?
The First Century Church was expanded by Jesus’s disciples who became the Apostles who both came back to Jerusalem as well as traveling far and wide to spread the good news of the Gospel.
The Apostles’ roles cannot be overstated and they were given power by the Holy Spirit to serve in ways that were crucial in propelling the church into rapid growth, including powerful and courageous teaching and also the ability to heal. They not only taught the lessons that were given to them by Jesus, but that were also the witness to Jesus’s resurrection, appearances to hundreds of people, Jesus’s resurrected teachings, Jesus’s Ascension, documenting early church history and its first martyrs, and the final word in Revelation.
There is much evidence to support the Resurrection of Christ. The acts of the Apostles is one of the strongest evidence.
Especially noteworthy is the miraculous transformation of the former head persecutor of the Christians, Saul of Tarsus, who became the Apostle Paul. To Paul we owe thanks for most of the letters of instructions to the early churches. By the Lord’s command, Paul became responsible to preach the gospel to the “Gentiles, kings and children of Israel” (Acts 9:15).
Without these well translated and preserved teachings and historical accounts of what happen before and after Jesus’ death on the cross, you and I would have not a single clue of who Jesus was and how He gave us insights into the eternal God. Jesus, through His life on earth, made it possible for us to get a human and relatable perspective of the eternal and invisible God and Creator.
Most importantly, we learn about God’s redemptive plan for humanity.
It is not possible to have a greater or more accurate revelation of what Jesus taught than what we can read from the eye-witness accounts offered by the Gospels. The New Testament Ends with Revelation, the last prophetic delivery made to the Apostle John.

All Scripture, whether included in the Bible or not, should be compared to the teachings of Jesus Christ for truthfulness along with the many admonitions offers by both Christ and the Apostles. Begin with Jesus’ truth claims as a benchmark and go from there.
Even while the Apostles were still alive, there were many influencers contending for the flock of believers, many out for their own self-benefit or desiring to lead contrary to the message of the gospel. This aspect of human nature, leading the flock of believer astray has never changed throughout history and many efforts were tried, knowingly or unknowingly misdirecting people from the truth of the Gospel and its unique message of Salvation.
Beyond the First Century we begin to get a sense of the greater variance in what influenced people to associate with Christ or Christianity as a religion. When Christianity became the state religion under Roman Emperor Constantine in about 313AD, this changed many facets of the Christian life. While Christians were no longer widely persecuted, Christianity became institutionalized. Religion was commonly used by all nations of the time as a means of a de facto method of controlling the citizentry. Despite any altruistic reasons, Christianity became the tool to control the population and this socio-political decree changed the manner in which people became Christians.
Although there has always been the grassroots, early apostolic form of believers coming to faith to become Christians. One change that occurred under Constnatine was the treatment of infant Baptism, which was slowly growing in occurrences before but became a standard ritual under Constantine’s empire creating more people who were Christians in name only (because you were forced to) as opposed to the considered spiritual decision to accept Christ. Rituals and symbols of Christianity became more pronounced as authentic conversions to Christ, while still occuring, decreased in proportion.
This is why it is important to read and study the Gospels and the eye-witness accounts of Jesus” life and teachings. For His name’s sake, we would be well served to build our spiritual learning foundation from there.
Salvation comes primarily in the life changing belief that Jesus in the Son of God and that is evidenced in a believer by their genuine sorrow for sin, repentance, and the individual’s faith in Christ’s work of redemption on the Cross. Salvation is by God’s Grace and not by personal works.
By the end of the First Century, by which time the Apostles were all martyred, except for the Apostle John. John was exiled on the island of Patmos. He still served as an overseer of several churches along the ancient “postal route” that ran to many cities where there were churches. John would write copes of his letters to send to the churches. It must have been a time of great discouragement for John since the Romans had utterly destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D. (its destruction was prophesied by Christ), they had massacred and scattered the Jewish people, and news from the churches had their share of shepherding needs.
The formula for redemption and our understanding of the Kingdom of God is still based on the truths taught by Jesus. Jesus is the “cornerstone” of the Church and our faith as born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, high priest and intercessor, opening the door directly to God the Father, all that the Old Testament and Jewish practice and prophecy pointed to, a final and perfect sacrifice and atonement for our sin.
The fruit of a born-again believer is the certain transformation of ones life, turning away from the love of the world and its temporal nature, to the obedience to God’s law and instructions and the embracing of God’s eternal character. A believer takes action to become more like Christ, this is done much in part, by regular and disciplined reading of God’s word, turning away from sin as we become more aware of them, seeking unity with other Christians, and spreading the Gospel to all people, and the ongoing practice of striving capture every thought for Christ.
Paul wrote, in 2 Corinthians: 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
The growth of the Body of Christ (the Church)is not predicated on which country has the most worldly influence. As a Westerner, or an American, we are riding on the remnant of what used to be more of a “God fearing” nation. The great rise of grass roots Christianity is no longer in Western countries as leadership in many churches are succumbing to principles of accommodation rather that the promoting of the gospel message. However, in Africa and Asia, particularly in China, is amazing growth (as well as overt hostile persecution), not unlike the First Century church. Each generation has its worldly distractions but the truth of the gospels remain unchanging and continues to spread.
The Truth of the Gospel remains steadfast. God’s message spreads.
The focus on the person of Jesus Christ and His redeeming work, resurrection and power, is the single most barrier-breaking truth that has the potential to bring true unity to the world’s people. Ultimately, Christ will come back to judge both believers and non-believers and rule.
As we approach Easter, and if you feel light on your Bible based education, why don’t you try reading the Gospel of John and learn for yourself the many truths Jesus claimed and sought to warn people about. Treat it as eye-witness historical narrative and let it speak to you. Better yet, get involved with a well led Bible teaching church and Bible study to help you begin growing in your understanding.
Like those in the First Century, believers experience the kingdom of God through the spirit and the sharing community with a body of believers. One of the important changes becomes the awareness of eternal life and the release of the agonizing fear of death that you will receive with in genuine faith and belief in Christ’s redeeming suffering on the cross.

For a detailed explanation of who Jesus Christ is from the Bible’s perspective go to the video in this website , “Who is Jesus Christ?”
For a review of the Ten Commandments: https://www.challenyee.com/the-ten-commandments/
Image source: :John receives Revelation from biblevector.com
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Challen, my brother. I truly appreciate the love you show for our Heavenly Father, in your writings. God graces you with a thoughtful pen. However comma I would be remiss in not bringing up that scripturally “Faith alone” or as we say the concept of “Sola Fida” is incorrect. James himself makes that abundantly clear in James 2 14-26. Faith must be combined with works. I may be off tilt. But re-read that scripture and tell me that Faith without works will lead to salvation. Your understanding that the Apostles, with their first hand knowledge taught to them by our Lord, is critically important for us to know and understand. On this I and we Catholics, could not agree more. Where we have separation is when we get to the sticky wicket of “Bible Alone” aka “Sola Scriptura”. A thoughtful reading of 2 Thessalonians 2 1-17, wherein verse 15 hits the nail on the head. “Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by oral statement or by a letter or ours. Reading the words of the first Apostles, in scripture is very valuable, no true Catholic, would ever deny that. But as you described in your post, reading the words of the early church fathers is very valuable. When done with a detectives eye, one would be remiss in not also researching the words of the students of the first Apostles as they were taught by men who were with Jesus himself. And selected by them in Apostolic succession to carry on the teachings of Christ. Some of those who have written of that which was handed on to them via the Apostles such as St. Irenaeus, St. Ignatius and then later is St. Augustine. An example of following the traditions established by Christ, one needs look no further than the Catholic Mass, everyday many thousands of times around the world Mass is said. The bread of life is offered. Ch 6 22-59 describes Jesus explaining his flesh is bread and his blood is wine given for our salvation. Some as you read could not accept this and left. Those who believed were rewarded. Everyday a Priest ordained by the Universal Church through Apostolic succession offers the sacrifice of the Mass and it is Catholic Dogma. (a firm belief that cannot be denied or changed ever.) The bread and wine offered to the faithful as in the last supper is transubstantiated into the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ himself. Many Christian sects celebrate periodically a form of communion. This to all as a group is looked at as symbolic. The Church does not. Christ said “the blessing, broke the bread and giving it to his disciples said, “Take this and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which shall be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins. I would hope you, I and all believers in Christ, would say without hesitation, Our Lord, is not ambiguous. Everything he said had meaning for us. When he celebrated the last supper with his Apostles, he did not say do this symbolically in memory of me. He said this is my body and my blood, do this in memory of me. This action is scripturally recorded in 1 Corinthians 11 23-29. The early Church fathers were following Jesus, teachings and establishing a tradition. The Church founded by Christ, with Peter, as its head was instituted as catholic. Of course that word was not in vouge at the time, it came a couple hundred years later. But the definition of catholic besides describing the Church, means “universal”. The adjective definition of universal is of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases. When God told Peter, In Matthew 16 13-20 in particular vs. 18. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. There are many examples where as Dogma, the Church daily follows the traditions and words of Christ. The sacrifice of the Mass with the reception of communion is just one. The Church recognizes 7 sacraments established by Christ. Baptism, Confirmation (received after a period of instruction of the Catholic faith) Eucharist(communion) Reconciliation (confession of sins to a Priest) Anointing of the sick Holy Orders(Priesthood) Matrimony.
Each of these sacraments are biblical. The church is adamant about these. Many Christian sects held firm for example on divorce being a no no. Somewhere in the 1930’s slowly they moved away from a hard no on this. Not the church, once married always married. As for reconciliation i.e. confession another sticky wicket for the Protestant folks. Well a clear reading of John 20 21-23 the key is vs 23 “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained”. We all can accept Jesus did not expect those he was talking to to live forever. The men they accepted later would by apostolic succession be given this power, through the sacrament of Holy Orders. The Church teaches the Priest, in the confessional is the Vicar of Christ. There are three in the confessional the repentant sinner, the Priest and Christ. The sinner could give an unworthy confession and fool the Priest, He cannot fool Christ. And he brings condemnation upon himself. A worthy confession gains absolution i.e. forgiveness. Making this person clean and eligible to receive worthily the body of Christ in communion. I will stop here. I have dug much deeper than I planned. But if nothing I wanted to show the Church is very biblical in their work and teaching. I love how you are strong in your faith in our Lord. I am confident God is very happy with you. I am also confident he wants you to enjoy the fullness of faith. Afterall it was he who called for one true apostolic church. He was not and is not ambiguous. May the peace of the Lord be with you, my Brother.
Hi Russ, I am glad that you have taken the time to write at length in support of what you sincerely believe. You’ve written a lot and I think you are declaring that salvation can only be achieved through works (even if it is faith mixed with works, it you are declaring works are necessary for Salvation). This is not unlike every other religion that supports that you must work to achieve God’s Grace, or which ever god the particular religion is worshipping. This is not supported by Jesus’ teachings and is repeatedly warned against. James is a common support for the works righteousness belief but that is not what James meant and that interpretation is not consistent with the truth.
If a person is truly saved by faith, the life will result in works but people are not saved by works “should anyone boast” aka “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:8-10. This statement IS NOT inconsistent with what James writes. Even the Jehovah’s Witness argue with me on this point, they believe in works also to be saved.
Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, once and for all, the only “work” is to belief in Christ and His sacrifice for your and my sins.As a born-again believer, you are called by the holy spirit as Christ explained to Nicodemus in John 3. “Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
What Jesus means is that, you are as responsible for being born-again spiritually as you are born in the flesh. We did nothing, nor did the thief on the cross but believe in Faith.. Jesus did everything (or your mom did). The Glory goes to Jesus as Lord. Jesus was speaking to the highest Jewish teacher who was well steeped in religious works righteousness. Jesus spent much of His ministry trying to get the self-rightoeus to understand grace. His harshest words were for those who believed that were righteous because of their own works, especially because they were leading the flocks astray.
What does it mean to you to have Jesus as the Lord of your life? Are you surrendered to Christ as your intercessor directly to God or to the Church organization?
I am careful not to make my allegiance to a “Christian” organization or denomination, I am a servant of Christ first and foremost and I see plenty of warnings in the gospels that have been filtered by denominations to further their institution.
Yes, understanding the early eye-witness disciples/Apostles is crucial.
In Matthew 7, Christ warned, ‘ “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ — By lawlessness, simply, the Ten Commandments, especially the First Three commandments. which are against God (Thou shall not have any God’s before Me, thou shall not make any graven image of anything in the likeness of God, though shall not blaspheme God’ name. By twisting the truth about God and what God through His Son has revealed as His gift of redemption for us you accept, twisting that and removing the Glory from God is simply idolatry blended with self-righteousness.
When Jesus died on the Cross, The veil is torn asunder, you have access to God directly, it is not necessary to confess to a priest just like the Gentiles did not have to go through the Jewish high priest to commune with God.– this is the work done by Jesus suffering and dying for us.
My friend, works will not bring salvation, but not putting your entire faith for -Salvation- in Christ alone may very well bring hell.
This was made clear by the New Testament and it removes the religious burden, Christ taught, “My burden is light and my yoke is easy.”
Go to the source.
I would be remiss if I didn’t repeat the words of the Lord in his dire warning from the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7.:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
I was a world spiritually broken man when I read this with a great sense of humility and sobriety, I had to ask myself and answer for myself “Who is Jesus Christ?” The entire of Christianity hinges on Jesus Christ and no other, who Jesus Christ is and why He is the way , the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him, (John 14:16). I sincerely hope you will come closer to the Truth and to His peace.
May His Peace be with yours.
Challen, I just re-read my response to your post. I am confounded how you can construe from what I wrote that somehow I believe works alone garners salvation. James 2 17 is very clear. I will transcribe it here. “So also FAITH of itself, if it does not have works is DEAD. Caps for emphasis”. That scriptural sentence alone should disabuse anyone of the idea of “Sola Fida” being sufficient. If not, a clear eyed reading of James 2 14-26, should repel any misunderstanding that the idea of faith alone is sufficient. As for Ephesians 2 8-10, the Protestants proclaim “Once saved, always saved”. We Catholics say when asked Have you been saved? Past event: (I have been saved) Romans 8 vs 24, Eph 2 vs 5-10, (Again in reverse Works without Faith is also dead, it is both together) 2 Timothy 1 vs 9, Titus 3 vs 5. Present:( I am being saved) Phil. 2 vs 12 Curious why Paul would need to work out his salvation with fear and trembling if it was once save always saved? 1 Peter 1 vs 9. Future event: (I will be saved) Mt 10 vs 22, Mt 24 vs 13, Mk 8 vs 35, Acts 15 vs 11, Rom, 5 vs 9-10, Rom 13 vs 11, 1Cor 3 vs 15, 1 Cor 5 vs 5, Heb 9 vs 28. To further bury the idea of Faith Alone, Romans 2 vs 5-6 is very clear. 2 Cor. 5 vs 10, 2 Cor. 11 vs 14-15, 1 Peter 1 vs 17, Revelations 20 vs 12-13, Colossians 3vs 24-25. All of these scriptures when read clearly indicate a need to do good works, have faith and follow the commandments to be assured of eternal salvation. OK I think that’s enough for that part. Lets move on to the rest of your post, which I think you may have been pressed for time I have had to read it a few times to try to see where your going? I will try here. First I and we as Catholics proclaim salvation is through Christ and his sacrifice on the cross and NO other. So lets put that canard to rest. I choose to belong to the One true, Holy, Catholic (Universal) and Apostolic Church. I could have chosen any one of the many Christian sects, but they unfortunately do not possess the fullness of faith or the teaching authority of the church founded by Christ with Peter (the first Pope) and through apostolic succession teaches the truth today unchanged in Dogma and Doctrine from that time. Here are some scriptures that attest to this authority. Mt 28 vs 18-20, John 20 vs 23, 1 Cor. 11 vs 23-24, Luke 10 vs 16, Mt 18 vs 17, Mt 18 vs 18. To also go back to your point regarding the early church fathers, and know what they had to say, here is a snippet of several. St Irenaeus 200AD: “The Church, having received this teaching and this faith, although she is disseminated throughout the whole world, yet guarded it, as if she occupied but one house. She likewise believes these things just as if she had but one soul and one and the same heart; and harmoniously she proclaims them and teaches them and hands them down, as if she possessed but one mouth.” Eusibius of Caesarea 4th century: But the brightness of the Catholic church proceeded to increase in greatness, for it ever held to the same points in the same way, and radiated forth to all the race of Greeks and barbarians the reverent, sincere, and free nature, and sobriety and purity of the divine teaching as to conduct and thought. St Augustine 392 AD: ( A serial sinner well into adulthood before coming to Jesus) The Catholic church is the work of divine providence, achieved through the prophecies of the prophets, through the incarnation and the teaching of Christ, through the journeys of the Apostles, through the sufferings, the crosses, the blood and death of the martyrs, through the admirable lives of the Saints. When, then, we see so much help on God’s part, so much progress and so much fruit, shall we hesitate to bury ourselves in the bosom of that Church? For starting from the apostolic chair (Peter) down through successions of bishops, even unto the open confession of all mankind, it has possessed the crown of teaching authority. Challen, I can appreciate your desire to read and understand the bible. Contrary to popular belief, we Catholics are encouraged to read our bibles and the Church, through it’s teaching authority, stands ready to clarify any concerns or misunderstanding that could arise from a reading that is interpreted individually incorrectly. Without this what we call the Magisterium, (The Bishops) there is chaos. Kinda like what has occurred with the Protestant reformation, The Calvinist, did not agree with the Lutherans, the Methodist disagreed with the Calvinist, then the Presbyterians and down the slippery slope they all went until now we have a myriad of Christian sects, made up of predominately good Christians all believing their sect is correct, yet none of them have remained solemnly confident in their teaching in many cases from one neighborhood church to the same denomination the next town over, or even from decade to decade of their comparatively short existence. Not to mention they cannot trace their lineage back to the day when Christ said to Peter, Though art Peter(1st Pope) and your are the rock which will be the foundation I will build my Church. A discerning person might agree that Church has divine protection. And don’t get me started on these “Church of what’s happening now” types, where some regular guy with a cursory knowledge of scriptures, and a charismatic personality, gets a preaching certificate from an add in a magazine, opens a church and starts preaching out his ass cuz his mouth knows better, pass the plate, please. A true false prophet if I ever saw one. I will close this out with a quick review of a salient scripture; Matthew 16 vs 18, And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. Challen, I mentioned in my first response about the God, I follow not being ambiguous. We also believe He is incapable of falsehood. If his Church, he founded and as developed by Peter and the apostles (the first Bishops) only lasted until the reformation of the 1500’s then he would have been false. We do not believe this. Just like in John 6 vs 43-69 Those that found his teaching hard were allowed to go. The Church was not proven wrong in the 15th century, certain followers found the teachings hard. If anyone was teaching them falsely then the gates of hell would have prevailed against it. Jesus was pretty clear it would not. May the peace of Christ be with you, my Brother.
Hi Russ, You do not need to be too confounded by my response that you stated you need works to achieve salvation. Let me clarify: according Catholic interpretation, the formula for salvation includes works (of course there is a faith component), therefore, without works one cannot achieve salvation. Is that what the Catholic Church is stating? Let me ask in another way, are you, Russ, certain of your salvation that if you died now, that you would be certain of your salvation? If you presume “Yes” then I would ask, how did works enter that equation and the next question is, who determines the work you did was good enough to complement your faith?
You have written much that can be discussed or debated, but let’s start with what is Justification? From a Biblical perspective Justification means God declares a sinner righteous because of the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The person is saved and does not require works. The question becomes, is a person truly justified and has achieved Salvation. THEN, that person’s life shows evidence of the ‘works’ we’re talking about. In Romans 5, Paul writes: “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” moreover in verse 9, “Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.” Additionally, Paul clarified in Ephesians 1:4-5 “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.” And again 2 CORinthians 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
You bring up Catholic Church stance that Peter was the first pope because of Matthew 16:18. This has widely argued that Christ had no such intention of establishing a hierarchy that displaces Christ Himself as the corner stone of the the Church. It is only stated in Matthew and is better interpreted as Jesus’ word play, using the small pebble of Peter declares the Big Truth Rock that” You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Christ does not give any specific instruction that Peter should become the foundation of the Church, it is what Peter was inspired by God to declare. Peter never suggests that he will be the head of the Church and has taken his primary role of ministering to the Jews. Paul, actually evangelized in Rome and also was ordained by Christ to evangelize to the Gentiles. I know you may roll out some extra Catholic Scripture, but I am only going by the Old and New Testament. Now, people have been arguing this for… Centuries? Unfortunately, I don’t think you and I are going to resolve this on my website.
In regards to “works”, this is what we refer to as Sanctification. I think you share this doctrine. That is where the “works” comes into play, but it is not for salvation which is by only God’s grace. it is part of the ongoing process of repentance which is a life long process.
You talk about Paul’s stating in Philippians 2 “12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”
This is not salvation by works, “work out ” means to continually bring something to completion as in the process of Sancitfication.
Going back to Sanctification, repentance, which is even more fundamental, by which law must we follow as a benchmark to be obedient to God’s moral law? The law must convict us of the sins we commit otherwise we cannot turn away from them. The religious jews of Jesus’ time were the most fastidious law keepers ever, but they missed the point of God’s law and how to glorify God, to say the least, they did not afford the glory due to the Son and only the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who is worthy of our praise and worship. They misunderstood God so much their most adamant desire, blinded by their own self-righteousness and worldly power was to send Christ to the Cross. Yet that was part of God’s sovereign plan ,including Pilate’s tragic waffling, that we may be saved by grace and faith in The Lord perfect sacrifice.
My Brother, As you stated in your post above. We may never agree. Let me just finish with this. You, stated truthfully in your first post in this string, we Christians, should know and understand the beliefs of the early church fathers. So, that being said, virtually every Catholic Dogma, we follow today were thoughts and beliefs of the early Church fathers in the 100’s, remained the same in the 400’s, was still what was taught and thought in the 800’s, the 1000’s on through until the 1500’s when Martin Luther, on his own decided that 1500 years of uncontested faith was incorrect. Bare in mind that despite his heretical denial of the Churches teachings, todays Church does not, nor did it deviate in it’s teachings as given to the Apostles by Christ. It is curious when todays “Bible Alone” Christians accept a Bible wherein 7 divinely inspired books were removed. And no the Church did not add them after the reformation as some charlatans would ask you to believe. How do we know? Those 7 were in the Canon of the council of Rome 397 AD, again in the Council of Carthage 419 AD and throughout Catholic history. This is a matter of historical fact and only those with a specific agenda or those who lack intellectual curiosity will accept it. Same goes for Peter, without naming an actual head of the Church and in turn to be replaced upon his death, down through history there would be no Apostolic succession. Jesus, knew he was to die and ascend to Heaven, He also knew the fledgling Church would face many obstacles and would need leadership, that would last through history until he returned. It is this succession that was spoken of by many of the early church fathers. There are many transcribed texts of men such as Irenaeus of Lyon 130-202 AD, Ignatius of Antioch 35-108 AD, Augustine of Hippo 354-430 AD, Jerome 347-420 AD, Gregory of Nyssa 335-395 AD. I could list more, but this makes my point. From 33 AD until 1517, no one said or wrote a word contrary to the articles of established faith. As for each individual reading their bible and deciding on what truth it is telling them, a historical dive into the actions of another prominent Protestant reformer, John Calvin, would be instructive. Mr. Calvin was fond of reading the bible and then preaching to the masses of what the bible had to say. One time a follower if you will had been reading the bible on his own and openly questioned him on the difference of interpretation. Calvin was so incensed he had the man arrested and wanted to have him executed. This because he dared to interpret scripture different from him. He believed firmly in the idea of “Sola Scriptura” but only when it was he whose interpretation was accepted. This is one of the salient reasons why we all need an authoritive teaching church, to provide clarity without anger or fear of retribution. It was this mindset which creates the splits among the protestant sects from 1517 until today. Paul the newcomer and former persecutors of Christians, openly challenged Peter in regards to the acceptance of Gentiles. Peter did not seek to cast Paul out, he thought it through in conference with all the others and accepted Paul’s point. How else could you hope to build a Universal church if some were excluded. This is the Catholic way. I once again will say my God, is not ambiguous, nor deceptive. My point is there is zero chance the Catholic church and each of these different Christian sects that trace their lineage to 1517 and the multitude, such as yourself, who shun any form of organized Christian activity can lay claim to being correct. Someone is correct and the rest are not. So we are left with a choice, believe the Catholic church which began 33 AD and has remained steadfast in Dogma throughout history, or one of 40,000 separate reformationist, churches. Who are different exactly because they cannot agree on what God said. Understand also, I do not believe for a nano-second the Church has not or does not at times mess up. In history there have been several, fortunately not many what can be described as bad Popes. They like our current Pope, err, in mostly a political way. In the workings of Politics they like all other men are most assuredly fallible. Where they lack fallibility is in matters of faith. We know and trust this from the words of Christ, in Matthew 16:18, And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. This is Dogmatic faith as taught by the Church for 1991 years. Your above description of Matthew 16:18 is an interpretation, not made from authority. So you must be willing to accept some one other than yourself to interpret the word of God. Imagine that. Without belaboring my point. Believe an almost 2000 year unchanged belief, or the Johnny come lately who has split 40,000 times. May the peace of Christ be with you my Brother.