When the issue of inerrancy of the Bible comes up, I think the actual issue people are concerned about is, “Can I trust what is written in the Bible? Is it worthy of my trust?”
From my perspective, being secure in the my salvation through Christ has amplified my trust in the Bible and because of that more truth is revealed through it.
There are Bible passages that are difficult to understand, but if someone chooses to get bogged down in one difficult passage or an event that has clear supernatural aspects to it, they can miss the key message of the Bible.
Who doesn’t read a book because of one difficult to understand chapter or doesn’t watch a movie because they couldn’t understand one scene? Why not consider to over arching purpose or theme of the work?
There are differences in points of views of different writers but that doesn’t mean there are conflicts in the Bible. By non-conflicting, I mean there is rarely if anything that I’ve read that would alter God’s revelation of Himself or conflict with what we can accept as God’s nature. There is nothing I’ve read that conflicts with the Gospel. On the contrary, the overall theme of the Bible supports the Gospel.
Very intelligent people have argued for the inerrancy of Scripture but personally, I have no burning desire to win that debate compared to realization a person’s eternal soul is at stake. It’s just not my battlefield, I do not see that winning the debate will help save their soul when people need to get a handle on that they need a savior and the magnitude of their unrighteousness before a holy God. When it comes to the Body of Christ, there’s room for different passions to draw people to the Lord.
I am of the belief that, even though the Bible is filled to the brim with truths, a person will not be open to them unless God gives you a heart that is open to the truth. That doesn’t mean you have to be a “religious” person. In fact, if you are a “religious” person, there is a good chance that you are no better off understanding Scripture than anyone else. Jesus reached out to sinners, that’s you and me along with all the rejects of society. So you don’t have to feel like you have to be anybody than the person who you are now, regardless of and especially in the spotlight of the mistakes you have made in the past.
With that sense of humility, maybe we can understand where do people think they are going after they die and why?
What spiritual belief do they trust in? Can they sincerely believe anything? What evidence is there to support their belief?
How can we know with any certainty the claims of any philosophy of religion?
What you will discover is, although someone may attempt to punch holes in the inerrancy of Scripture, they are unlikely to have submitted their own beliefs to such a rigorous test or any objective test at all. The reasons people give to justify their beliefs can be explained by psychology. What the average person believes spiritually is not based on historical evidence, prophecy, the biographical and autobiographical writing of eye-witnesses evidence of average people with radically changed lives, the rapid growth of the Church immediately after Jesus’ death and resurrection, and God revealing Himself in the form of a man as Jesus did.
Does anyone really know what happens after death by just imaging what would happen. The mind can greatly imagine. One the other hand, It’s easy to imagine that we become nothing because we really cannot tell without supernatural revelation. The mind can just shut down at what it construes as impossibilities of knowing. It is a weird phenomenon: People have a knack to justify being right, even if “being right” is based on almost no evidence.
World religions leave everyone with the uncertainty that occurs once you believe you must work to achieve salvation. If that is the case, at what point does God suddenly accept your efforts? I know, some people think they are gods themselves and have declared their own standards of righteousness.
God revealed through Jesus a certain Way that leads to astonishing confidence and peace. Why should we listen to Him?
Read about the life and teachings of the Messiah. Take the time to read, or re-read, with as much of an open heart as you are able, the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in the New Testament. Read of the amazing Book of Acts that documents significant events in the early Church. Read them as historical text because that is what they are.
Know that an ever growing amount of scholarly historical research, including archeology, and changed lives continues to support the “inerrancy” or factual nature of what the writers of the Bible expressed and of what Jesus taught and revealed.
Discover what the Gospel is and know that through repentance from sin and belief in the Jesus’ work of redemption on the Cross Is how you can achieve deep rooted peace and everlasting life through the grace from God.

For a detailed explanation of who Jesus Christ is from the Bible’s perspective go to the video in this website , “Who is Jesus Christ?”
For a one minute explanation of the Gospel, watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCP9UcC7BzE
For a review of the Ten Commandments: https://www.challenyee.com/the-ten-commandments/
P.S. Typos and all, I do not use AI.
Sunset photo in Hawaii (Maui) is from my personal stock.
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