For all who are interested in an in depth small group study of the Book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible, an opportunity awaits for you. The theme of the study is the “Hope” that is embraced by all followers of Christ, an eternal hope that spans from this life into an eternity in God’s glorious kingdom.

To be “revealed” is to be uncovered or unveiled. This is what will occur when Christ returns in His Second Coming, He will return in the fullness of His uncovered glory.
Join Bible Study Fellowship International for their free study. Join the movement with over 400,000 people world wide who attend on a weekly basis from September to May with breaks for holidays.
Learn more about BSF where you can choose from locally run study groups to online possibilities that can fit even the most difficult schedules.
BSF offers a wide variety of options depending on your location. You can find Women’s, Men’s, Young Adults, School-aged and Children’s groups. Some location offer a family option that keeps the whole Bible studying family together.
If you’ve had studying the Bible on your bucket list or want to reinvigorate your personal Bible study, I’d encourage you to consider the BSF opportunity!
For those in the Menlo Park, California area, you may see the local Facebook page for Menlo Park BSF at: