This article takes a short look at several subjects from moral issues, sexual promiscuity, pornography, abortion, government and politics. There is a video link near the bottom that encapsulates a look at both evangelism and the political situation based in part on the Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump podcast.

Evangelism at its core is letting one be driven by the Holy Spirit. God, through His inspired words in the Bible, presents seekers with truth of the state of humanity, leading the faithful to receive the compulsions to do something as unworldly as promoting the message of His saving grace.
Being saved by the redeeming work of Christ does not stop there. One does not “accept” Christ and go on their merry way as the same person whom they had been.
When a person gets saved (and I must point of truly saved, because the Bible warns us that may people are deceived, thinking they are on the correct path when they are not) the work of the Holy Spirit begins its transforming work. The changes affect the heart with new desires, a desire to please God instead of oneself, and a transformation from selfishness to selflessness for Jesus’s sake.
If you ever came to realize the impact of anyone who gave their life unselfishly for your survival, then you may begin to understand the promptings for the spiritual changes initiated by God’s love. Mind you, we’re talking about a sovereign and omnipotent God who made this sacrifice. This gives you a sense of how sinful we are also, since while being aware of this divine sacrifice of we are still drawn to sin and prone to act against God’s will.
Restraint on Immorality
Action for God’s leads to controversy. Jesus was hated and persecuted. The king of Kings and the lord of Lords made Himself low for a wretchedly sinful humanity ignorant of the depths of their depravity.
Depravity has erupted in one of the policy points of our bipolar sociopolitical system in the United States of America. There are many contributing factors that have led up to a shameless glorification of child sacrifice in the guise of inalienable right. There needs to be restraint and awareness developed in several areas to regain a moral consciousness.
Is our propensity for sin have basis in our Founding? Doesn’t even the Declaration of Independence state we have a right to pursue happiness? To what degree do we have the right to ignore the consequences of sin, especially the wanton pursuit of sexual immorality? The Declaration, we should be reminded, states that our rights our given to us by our Creator. This is the Creator who is holy, righteous, and who will judge.
Unplanned Pregnancy
I used to believe in my younger days that it was okay for couples or a woman to have an abortion. It seemed like a pragmatic solution, an adult decision, in the face of a major life changing circumstance. Though I had never taken part in a decision for woman to have an abortion, I do not recall, before, having a deep sense of moral indignation.
However, back when I was still single, when made aware that a young single relative was pregnant out of wedlock and most were trying to encourage her to have an abortion, I was one who encouraged her decision not to have an abortion. I believe that at that time I was attending a Bible study and the roots of God’s desire to protect innocent life had been planted.
Sexual Promiscuity
Promiscuous behavior such that drives unmarried people to sexual gratification is embedded as some kind of social right rather than a deviation of moral behavior. In other words, there’s a lot of talk about having sex, and not much talk about the consequences, much less on the responsibilities of manhood and the effect on a person’s soul and conscience.
As I surrendered to Christ and became more earnest in studying God’s word, I learned the truth of God’s design for marriage and family.
God’s condemnation of adultery begins when one begins to entertain sinful thoughts rather than resisting and turning away or fleeing from them.
Pornography & Abortion
Pornography is a trap and poison for the mind. At its more exploitive levels it is strongly linked to the massive increase in child and adult sex trafficking. For those who dwell in consuming porn, you are part of the problem. It’s an evil and lucrative business, as much as crushing life in what is supposed to be the safest place for an innocent and defenseless baby.
Because of the truths surrounding these areas and the struggles we have in the world, I am compelled to share this video (in the article below) that involves spiritual truth, persuasive argument, political opinion/controversy, and practical evangelism.
Is there a better way? Consider the Coalition
I realize there is substantial controversy over President Trump, but do check in your own self-righteousness at the door and know that there is a substantial body of evidence to counter the mainstream propaganda that surrounds his character. Hate is a sin. What about your own?
Moreover, consider the coalition the Trump campaign has built including RFK, Jr and Tulsi Gabbard, who I believe has a chance of some day becoming President. RFK, Jr and Tulsi’s views on health and the military resonate very closely with what I’ve learned as a nutritionist, healthcare practitioner, and veteran. They resonate with Trump’s stance on the challenges posed by the government, and whether you agree with them or not, the fight against chronic illness, mismanagement of government and the military deserves consideration.
Most importantly listen for the message of the Gospel (scroll down and click on the video)
We are all sinners no matter how religious or secular we think we are, or how impossible it may seem that a Holy and Righteous God would bother to reach out to fallen, corrupted, sinful people.
God’s message of salvation, rooted in repentance and faith, is for everyone regardless of religion or philosophical bent. God desires to reconcile the relationship and adopt believers into His royal family.
This the purpose of the work in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For a one minute explanation of the Gospel, watch this video
For a review of the Ten Commandments:
Video credit to “Living Waters”
Featured image: Credit
P.S. Typos and all, I do not use AI.