FTW.43 The School Lock-Down Drill

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #43 If you don’t live in a community that is overwhelmed with violence or the ravages of war, it can be difficult to make an Continue Reading →

FTW.42: Are you over-instructing your kids?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #42 I was listening to an interview with a family psychiatrist named Dr. Shimi Kang who wrote a book about how over-parenting creates children who lack initiative. If Continue Reading →

FTW.41 Helping kids be helpful

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #41 I started this video series in the light of the growing influence technology has over the lives of most children. Part of the difficulty Continue Reading →

FTW.40 Kids got gratitude problems? Part 2

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #40 I didn’t want to leave you  stuck on the last video looking at yourself wondering, so here’s a tip that would be a way Continue Reading →

FTW.39 Kids got gratitude problems?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #39 If your children have gratitude problems the first place you need to check is your own sense of gratitude. Although the advent of technology Continue Reading →

FTW.38 Get a pass for breaking a rule?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #38 Yep, you see it in the news everyday, the big boys and girls without character, so how should it work out in your home? Continue Reading →

FTW.37: Checking in

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #37 Checking in to remind myself and explain to you why I am making these FTW blog articles. The job of a father and a parent, Continue Reading →

FTW.36 “When I was your age…”

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #36 “When I was your age…” stories can offer your children a valuable and memorable look into your past and help preserve a bit of Continue Reading →

FTW.35: How to teach basic skills with a deck of cards

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #35 Games are such a big part of how you can connect with your child, I decided to explain how you can use a simple deck Continue Reading →

FTW.34: Playing Games is a Virtue

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #34 This is a bit of a follow on related to how “engineers” can communicate with their children. The essential take away is, your children Continue Reading →