25.12 Claims of Jesus

Part of what keeps people from accepting Jesus as God comes from a general skepticism we all have to believe accounts that seem too fantastic to accept as real. You Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
Part of what keeps people from accepting Jesus as God comes from a general skepticism we all have to believe accounts that seem too fantastic to accept as real. You Continue Reading →
Like some bizarre Time Machine, I scrolling through my handheld’s calendar passing decades back to the month of my birth, I wanted to check which day I was born. Ever Continue Reading →
When Jesus declared his intent to His disciples to travel back to an area where their lives would be in danger, we read about their concerns in an interaction within Continue Reading →
Note about the recent aircraft tragedies: It is troubling every time there is an innocent loss of life as in the recent aircraft disasters. There is one truth for certain, Continue Reading →
To complete an engineering project, it’s essential to understand the whole verification methodology and to make sure all the relevant tests are performed. In the realm of what is objectively Continue Reading →
We’ve all felt that need to horde on occasion, there’s something inside us that desires to stack the deck in our favor when we have the chance. One of the Continue Reading →
Hiring managers are sometimes worried that a candidate can’t learn a critical skill fast enough and will not take a chance on some candidates because of apparent risks. Relevant experience Continue Reading →
There were a few noteworthy places I called “home” and there was always a comforting feeling as I approached the familiar neighborhoods. One such place was San Diego from 1981 Continue Reading →
Which source code is loaded into your guidance system? One thing that marks a believer, or anyone for that matter, is what guides their decisions and how they view life. Continue Reading →
Being threatened with a lawsuit or getting tied up in court that allows unscrupulous parties to declare falsehood with impunity is one of the most disruptive injustices in life. Alternately, Continue Reading →