24.12 Mountain Top Experiences
This is Passion Week Decades ago when I was active as a single young adult in the church and thinking activities were the most important aspect of being a Christian, Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
This is Passion Week Decades ago when I was active as a single young adult in the church and thinking activities were the most important aspect of being a Christian, Continue Reading →
In lieu of what I what was on my scheduled list of subjects to write about, for lack of time, I’m going to share my unedited notes from a sermon Continue Reading →
Being adopted by the neighborhood cat. We never made a decision to have a family pet, even a part time pet. The care and cleanup of pets more involved than Continue Reading →
Does it make you feel good to judge others? You see it all the time. People proclaiming what seems like an obvious moral depravation shown by someone else. There are Continue Reading →
With care and concern, a father observes his children struggle. Have you seen that short dark-comic video of a father restraining his wife from keeping their toddler from playing with Continue Reading →
You’ve heard of a “Calling from God”? I think most people related this to becoming into the priesthood, the convent or becoming an ordained minister. This is one of the Continue Reading →
So what kind of advice would a Christian pastor give a couple thinking about getting married? Here’s my layman’s thoughts on the matter. The following passage comes to mind when Continue Reading →
All of these aspects of life are integral to our being made in the image of God. In our CONSCIENCE we are provided by God with an ability to know Continue Reading →
If I had a non-Christian leaning and I took a broad look at what Christianity has become, I would be flabbergasted with the amount of variation and disagreement among people Continue Reading →
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity Continue Reading →