24.47 Headship (in Marriage)

14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! 15 And if it Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! 15 And if it Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #63 If you are a landlord or a tenant, you understand the importance of a lease agreement and the rules stated in them. Those rules Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #62 There are four behaviors that will negatively affect your intimate relationships unless you can identify and restrain them before they cause serious damage. You can Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #61 One of the most difficult parenting styles that children can spend a lifetime struggling with is that of the dismissive parent, or other authority Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #60 Negotiating with the young conquerors in the home Now, before you think we’re talking about restoring lost liberties from a dictatorial government, we are not, Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #59 Blogger’s Note: I dealt myself this subject on a Friday night after a long day at work. It’s a tough one to be staring Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #56 In the video I go into my general philosophy about how to handle a child’s temper tantrum under a variety of normal life circumstances, including Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #55 Legos aren’t what they used to be. I admit, over the recent years, I fell into the trap of buying my kids so many of Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #54 Another wonderful subject deserving a book on its own, another tough but colorful subject. If you’ve lived and survived through the first seven years Continue Reading →
Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #53 Friend-ster. Yes, I just made up another definition of the word which focuses on friends who are young children. You know that Berenstain Bear book Continue Reading →