Home Biz: Which 10,000 kicks?

Blogger’s Note: Life has a lot going on and the last summer was no exception with many interests being triggered. One of the most important focuses is the concept of Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
Blogger’s Note: Life has a lot going on and the last summer was no exception with many interests being triggered. One of the most important focuses is the concept of Continue Reading →
The is an appointed time for everything… a time to tear down and a time to build up.” – from Ecclesiatstes 3 Writer’s Note: I feel I owe the Universe one Continue Reading →
We all know Mindset training and discipline, it should be part of your daily routine because the flood of negativity is just waiting to take its former throne in the Continue Reading →
Text and photos by Challen Yee In offering you some insights to how to deal with the fear of being disconnected with your children when you dive into starting Continue Reading →
Procrastination = The cancer that lingers in the heart of every well-intended business person that if not attacked with great prejudice, will knock out your dreams deader than a doorknob. Continue Reading →
Have you ever struggled to come up with an answer because you thought you were supposed to know something? You just might have to admit that you haven’t got everything Continue Reading →
This is a little different from my typical post, it is more of an exhortation than a personal development message. Whoever you are and whatever you do, this one’s for Continue Reading →
Are you finding yourself this morning on the verge of hopelessness? Maybe you know someone who is. Rest assured, you are on one of the familiar paths that life will Continue Reading →
How would you like to finally get over the fear factor involved with offline prospecting? How would that benefit you this week? Sometimes you just need a another expert’s unique Continue Reading →
Ray Higdon’s Top Earner Success School (TESS) group coaching program and Precursors to providing Value Writer’s Note: I was listening to a Napoleon Hill audio yesterday and interestingly enough, the Continue Reading →