Shark Talk from the infomercial King

If you are Ray Higdon asking questions to Kevin Harrington, what are some of the answers you would get during a 45 minute interview for a network marketing audience? This Continue Reading →

When a Role Model gets dragged through Mud

Writer’s Note: What I am about to write is maybe a little strange, but this comes as a result of following my instincts and my feelings. And as a blogger, Continue Reading →

Which authors influence your life as an entrepreneur?

And how do authors influence your life as an entrepreneur? Commentary from my recent reading of Russ Whitney and Gary Vaynerchuk. I finally got around to reading “Crush it” (2009) Continue Reading →

The Power of a Parent’s Blessing

Are you looking for a missing link in your life trek, a means of getting the fulfillment and the empowerment that may have eluded you? Maybe you are just seeking Continue Reading →

Higdon: On speaking to an audience

Here are some usable tips from Ray Higdon about how to speak more powerfully to an audience. Ray has extensive experience speaking to crowds but comes from very humble beginnings Continue Reading →

QUEST, not to become a domesticated Turkey

I am still working on the effects of some powerful training last week as the result of Ray Higdon’s interview with Russ Whitney. Both of these men are on a Continue Reading →

Seeking your burning desire via happiness

I’ve come to yet another crossroads and another tough blogpost to write. I have to ask you, what do Ray Higdon, Cesar L. Rodriguez, Russ Whitney, Stephen Mansfield, Steven Pressfield Continue Reading →

Finding Purpose: Why are you alive?

What has been the ultimate driving force behind your long term success? Wouldn’t you like to know so you can tap into it? Or if you are not achieving the Continue Reading →