Building a Bomb-Proof Vision

5:25 Writer’s note: Two recommendations by Michael Hyatt regarding blogging are: Make a good title and keep it to 300-500 words. In the back of my mind I keep this Continue Reading →

Networking: Be a Giver not a Taker

Post formerly titled: Morning Rant: Guiding Prospecting Philosophy 5:05 am Writer’s note: I came into this morning with two distinct ideas in mind and ended up bringing them together into Continue Reading →

Success Technique: “Fill-Integris”

 Fill-Integris, how to “trick” your better self into the success you desire 5:28 Writer’s note: Got to sleep at around 23:00 and woke at 5:00, feel a lot better. When Continue Reading →

When everything comes together

5:24: Went to sleep around 1:30 last night, definitely need to work on the discipline of going to sleep earlier. My family and I spent a bit later out on Continue Reading →

Worth more than what you are paid?

5:20 am: When the alarm goes off at 5:00, having a “daily” blog definitely is motivation to have to get up. I’d definitely be asleep otherwise.  BTW, Happy Chinese New Continue Reading →

Running with the wrong company?

5:18 Last night, didn’t get to sleep until 1:00 am. Don’t ask. “If I tell you I’d have to kill you” said Maverick (Tom Cruise) in the movie “Topgun”. Writer’s Continue Reading →

7 New life tips: Keeping team connected

Leadership tips in a hybrid and changing world 5:31 am- I got to sleep by 11:00 last night, did get home by 7:00. A big part of the night is Continue Reading →