The Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum

USS Bremerton Group Drive I just made a donation to help fund the expansion of the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum in the name of the submarine I served on, the Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
USS Bremerton Group Drive I just made a donation to help fund the expansion of the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum in the name of the submarine I served on, the Continue Reading →
Source: Gray, Amanda R MC1 COMSUBGRU 9 / April 17, 2018 Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Arrival of USS Bremerton (SSN 698) for Decommissioning BREMERTON, Wash. (April 17, 2018) The Los Continue Reading →
The USS Bremerton SSN-698, returns home from her Western Pacific (WestPac) deployment, April 6, 2018. The Bremerton is the longest serving nuclear submarine in the US Navy. She was commissioned Continue Reading →
SEA STATE 698 – Yokosuka Approach BY CHUCK MERKEL I originally made a Facebook post for my shipmates and Challen asked if he could use what I had written Continue Reading →
USS Bremerton Reunion II (CANCELLED) (CANCELLED/POSTPONED DUE TO BREMERTON DECOM SCHEDULING) It’s time to start thinking ahead, a year ahead to the VIVA LAS VEGAS 20[XX] REUNION! We’ve got an Continue Reading →
Article by Challen Yee & Clint Ceralde The history of the U.S. Navy’s Los Angeles Class fast attack submarine USS BREMERTON (SSN 698) would have been changed forever had it not Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note: I’d like to introduce John Brunkalla, he is a USS Bremerton Plankowner who served in M-Divison from 1981-1983. We’re grateful to be able to share in one of John’s Continue Reading →
SSN 698: History in the Making There has been a lot of change since the last time I wrote about saving the USS Bremerton SSN 698 over two years ago (July 2014). Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note: I want to thank Russ Woods, ICC/SS USN (Ret) for keeping the memory alive with another great candid eye-witness reflection about one of the original USS Bremerton SSN 698 sailors. MM1(SS) Continue Reading →
Transformational Leadership Aboard a U.S. Navy Attack Submarine I discovered a superb short story by Ron LaSalvia, Captain, U.S. Navy (ret), former Commanding Officer of the USS Montpelier (SSN 765), where he served from Continue Reading →