24.29 A “uniquely-made” person

You’ve heard about “self-made” people, what kind of person does that conjure up? The connotations are that of a person who by individual will and ambition was able to achieve Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
You’ve heard about “self-made” people, what kind of person does that conjure up? The connotations are that of a person who by individual will and ambition was able to achieve Continue Reading →
One can be grazed by an assassin’s bullet in a miraculous act of deliverance and then praise God for sparing his life. Another can take a fatal bullet in an Continue Reading →
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity Continue Reading →
Still waiting for a Christmas Gift? Have you accepted the one God has been leaving for you? People desire a lasting inspiration. Much of what life offers is assimilated in Continue Reading →
Over the Summer, I had the opportunity to clean up the grounds of a rental property that had a few large non-permitted structures in the backyard and they needed to Continue Reading →