Leadership Paths: Become a Manager?

How much additional Freedom will you attain? If you were a manager in the past and you are still working in a corporate environment, some people think “once a manager always a manager.” To Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
How much additional Freedom will you attain? If you were a manager in the past and you are still working in a corporate environment, some people think “once a manager always a manager.” To Continue Reading →
MLM VIDEO SHORT SUBJECTS VOLUME 1 NUMBER 2 Unscripted, off the cuff, and free, here is a list of Network Marketing Minutes I have published in the last week on my “Challen Continue Reading →
Writer’s note: About a year ago, I began my trek into creating this blog by sharing some thoughts about a high school friend who chose to end his life, now over Continue Reading →
Blogger’s Note: Life has a lot going on and the last summer was no exception with many interests being triggered. One of the most important focuses is the concept of Continue Reading →
We all know Mindset training and discipline, it should be part of your daily routine because the flood of negativity is just waiting to take its former throne in the Continue Reading →
Text and photos by Challen Yee In offering you some insights to how to deal with the fear of being disconnected with your children when you dive into starting Continue Reading →
Are you an entrepreneur, a leader, a wealth builder… how about married? This is your gut check. Note: This principle from today’s passage is from Darren Hardy’s “The Compound Effect.” Continue Reading →
One of my coaches suggested I read a couple of books and without a doubt they have made am impression on me. One is by Napoleon Hill, but it is Continue Reading →
And how do authors influence your life as an entrepreneur? Commentary from my recent reading of Russ Whitney and Gary Vaynerchuk. I finally got around to reading “Crush it” (2009) Continue Reading →
5:24: Went to sleep around 1:30 last night, definitely need to work on the discipline of going to sleep earlier. My family and I spent a bit later out on Continue Reading →