24.28 Preparing for Deliverance

One can be grazed by an assassin’s bullet in a miraculous act of deliverance and then praise God for sparing his life. Another can take a fatal bullet in an Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
One can be grazed by an assassin’s bullet in a miraculous act of deliverance and then praise God for sparing his life. Another can take a fatal bullet in an Continue Reading →
What are people experiencing in a world without a Christ-centered perspective? Confusion? Despair? anxiety? Apathy? Tucker Carlson recently made the observation, to the effect of, that Christians are the only Continue Reading →
When the issue of inerrancy of the Bible comes up, I think the actual issue people are concerned about is, “Can I trust what is written in the Bible? Is Continue Reading →
I spoke with a man who runs a recycle, waste disposal and cleanup business. He’s one of the people you meet that shine the light on the side of life Continue Reading →
I used to apply practical open-mindedness and I considered it a useful virtue for most of my life. Yet, I will explain how this can lead to a spiritual derailment. Continue Reading →
The human being cannot live 7 minutes without air… … 7 days without water … 7 weeks without food … 7 years without being loved That’s how I recall what Continue Reading →
The difficult questions are often the ones that never get asked. Nevertheless, I do see a spiritual connection with everything and regarding the subject of sex and dating I do Continue Reading →
“Going to church” is not really conceptually correct as it pertains to the Christ centered purpose of what is commonly done on Sunday mornings. People “go to church” like it Continue Reading →
In the Christian church today, with its many denominations and variants, one can be quite confused what “born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ” actually means or that it is Continue Reading →
You may be experiencing severe physical, emotional and spiritual trials without recognizing your most powerful relation at your side. I want to introduce you to a Bible passage that highlights Continue Reading →