The Wealthiest Place in the World

As we begin our trek into 2014, what are your aspirations? Or more importantly, where are they? On ready alert or hiding in storage? A quote from Les Brown puts Continue Reading → 5 Most Popular Blogposts for 2013

According to WordPress,  the top five blogposts for for 2013 are the following:   1) Spouse Training: Say “I love you (with a twist).”  In this post I wrote about Continue Reading →

11 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School

What does it mean to be a man, what should a man be, how he should live, and who are the models he should aspire to? These are the questions explored and Continue Reading →

Setting Goals: The “Magic Bullet”

One of Jim Rohn’s lessons that made an impression on me was when he described the difference between success and failure. Success (or failure) begins with the discipline of performing Continue Reading →

Presentations: Five Sure Ways to kill Your Opening

As a leader you may have thousands of serious professionals under the banner of your corporation, government, military organization, your nation. There are people out there who are willing to Continue Reading →

Manager straight talk: A Vision of effective corporate HR

In Sun Tzu’s Art of War, a strategy to win a war is to break the enemies supply line. What does it say about the corporate philosophy when you haven’t even Continue Reading →

Risk-taking principle: be decisive

What separates the haves and the have nots? It’s being able and willing to do what others won’t do in order to attain what others don’t have. A key ingredient Continue Reading →

Network Marketing Prospecting in 3 steps

A practical approach to building a network marketing professional. Jim Rohn spoke about “The Bridge…  the most fulfilling part of the network marketing profession.” A professional network marketer helps people Continue Reading →