25.07 That we may die with him

When Jesus declared his intent to His disciples to travel back to an area where their lives would be in danger, we read about their concerns in an interaction within Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
When Jesus declared his intent to His disciples to travel back to an area where their lives would be in danger, we read about their concerns in an interaction within Continue Reading →
14 “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! 15 And if it Continue Reading →
There appears to be an unstoppable trend observed in society and throughout the world and they generally have an effect on individual liberty and freedom. What resists such movement in Continue Reading →
I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to be a couch potato for a few nights to see a few selected movies that were excellent (12 Strong, Hugo) from the local Continue Reading →
SEA STATE 698 – Yokosuka Approach BY CHUCK MERKEL I originally made a Facebook post for my shipmates and Challen asked if he could use what I had written Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note: I’d like to introduce John Brunkalla, he is a USS Bremerton Plankowner who served in M-Divison from 1981-1983. We’re grateful to be able to share in one of John’s Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note: I want to thank Russ Woods, ICC/SS USN (Ret) for keeping the memory alive with another great candid eye-witness reflection about one of the original USS Bremerton SSN 698 sailors. MM1(SS) Continue Reading →
Transformational Leadership Aboard a U.S. Navy Attack Submarine I discovered a superb short story by Ron LaSalvia, Captain, U.S. Navy (ret), former Commanding Officer of the USS Montpelier (SSN 765), where he served from Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note (much needed Revision 12-9-16) This is going to be a politically incorrect post documenting an unvarnished reaction to a recent government decision that has widespread affects on the psyche and traditions of the Continue Reading →
During the first night of our Reno 2016 Reunion, we were all overwhelmed by the sudden deluge of old familiar faces before we slipped naturally into what would become an amazing 3 Continue Reading →