FTW.28 The dinner table

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #28 Happy Thanksgiving Folks! I feel like I’m going a little Dear Abby with an attitude on your guys now, but since today is Thanksgiving, I Continue Reading →

FTW.27: Do you agree as parents how to handle technology?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #27 With the holidays coming up and the possibility of technology appearing as Christmas gifts, you and your spouse need to think about how to Continue Reading →

FTW.26: How crucial is technology for kids?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #26 This is a followup on my last message related to home schooling and the question of how important is it to involve children in Continue Reading →

FTW.25: Home Schooling without Technology?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #25 I realize my limited experiences don’t amount to making generalizations, however, I just wanted to share some observations of our friends, fine people, who home-school Continue Reading →

FTW.24: Second Hand Television

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #24 You’ve heard about second-hand smoke from cigarettes, right? Well, this article is about avoiding the toxic effects of second hand television. Blogger’s note: By Continue Reading →

FTW.23: Reading to your children

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #23 Back to Basics In the video, I go over some ideas how to use reading as part of your daily routine to connect and Continue Reading →

FTW.22: How to develop helpful kids

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #22 Blogger’s Note: Oh yeh, I know I’m not the only one with ideas on this subject and like all my articles, I am just Continue Reading →

FTW.21: Father or the Internet?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #21 Notice, it isn’t “Father OF the Internet” it’s “Father OR the Internet.” Blogger’s Note: Not again! Another video with a serious subject that puts Continue Reading →

FTW.20 : Building proper study habits

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #20 There’s are reasons why studying a subject in stages allows greater penetration of knowledge into the mind of a student. Helping your child develop Continue Reading →

FTW.19: Entrepreneurial vs Family concerns

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #19 Blogger’s Note: I do these write up for these videos right before I publish them, but the videos I often do ahead of time Continue Reading →