Reassurance about integrity and failure

Writer’s note: About a year ago, I began my trek into creating this blog by sharing some thoughts about a high school friend who chose to end his life, now over Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
Writer’s note: About a year ago, I began my trek into creating this blog by sharing some thoughts about a high school friend who chose to end his life, now over Continue Reading →
Blogger’s Note: Life has a lot going on and the last summer was no exception with many interests being triggered. One of the most important focuses is the concept of Continue Reading →
The is an appointed time for everything… a time to tear down and a time to build up.” – from Ecclesiatstes 3 Writer’s Note: I feel I owe the Universe one Continue Reading →
We all know Mindset training and discipline, it should be part of your daily routine because the flood of negativity is just waiting to take its former throne in the Continue Reading →
Life is full of surprises and misdirections, you rarely get from point A to point B without a boatload of chicken poop being strewn in your path. Now hold on… Continue Reading →
Have you ever struggled to come up with an answer because you thought you were supposed to know something? You just might have to admit that you haven’t got everything Continue Reading →
This is a little different from my typical post, it is more of an exhortation than a personal development message. Whoever you are and whatever you do, this one’s for Continue Reading →
How valuable would it be for you to be at peace with who you are? In my Inner Voice training, I am working with the concept that an important aspect Continue Reading →
Are you finding yourself this morning on the verge of hopelessness? Maybe you know someone who is. Rest assured, you are on one of the familiar paths that life will Continue Reading →
Prospecting: The action method of overcoming rejection Note: One of my favorite MLM authors is Mark Yarnell. His book “The First Year in Network Marketing” helped open my eyes to Continue Reading →