Save the Bremerton – Part II

SSN 698: History in the Making There has been a lot of change since the last time I wrote about saving the USS Bremerton SSN 698 over two years ago (July 2014). Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
SSN 698: History in the Making There has been a lot of change since the last time I wrote about saving the USS Bremerton SSN 698 over two years ago (July 2014). Continue Reading →
Transformational Leadership Aboard a U.S. Navy Attack Submarine I discovered a superb short story by Ron LaSalvia, Captain, U.S. Navy (ret), former Commanding Officer of the USS Montpelier (SSN 765), where he served from Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note (much needed Revision 12-9-16) This is going to be a politically incorrect post documenting an unvarnished reaction to a recent government decision that has widespread affects on the psyche and traditions of the Continue Reading →
USS BREMERTON – SSN698 THE CALL OF THE 30+ YEAR REUNION I was serving in the Navy when my father, for the first time, went to an 11th Airborne veterans’ reunion, Continue Reading →
USS BREMERTON SSN 698 FIRST GENERATIONS REUNION AUG 22-25 2016 RENO, NV “The First Generation USS Bremerton (SSN698) Sailors from 1978 to 1986 are putting together a USS Bremerton 30+ Continue Reading →