The Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum

USS Bremerton Group Drive I just made a donation to help fund the expansion of the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum in the name of the submarine I served on, the Continue Reading →
Seeking the Narrow Way
USS Bremerton Group Drive I just made a donation to help fund the expansion of the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum in the name of the submarine I served on, the Continue Reading →
Source: Gray, Amanda R MC1 COMSUBGRU 9 / April 17, 2018 Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Arrival of USS Bremerton (SSN 698) for Decommissioning BREMERTON, Wash. (April 17, 2018) The Los Continue Reading →
SEA STATE 698 – Yokosuka Approach BY CHUCK MERKEL I originally made a Facebook post for my shipmates and Challen asked if he could use what I had written Continue Reading →
USS Bremerton Reunion II (CANCELLED) (CANCELLED/POSTPONED DUE TO BREMERTON DECOM SCHEDULING) It’s time to start thinking ahead, a year ahead to the VIVA LAS VEGAS 20[XX] REUNION! We’ve got an Continue Reading →
Article by Challen Yee & Clint Ceralde The history of the U.S. Navy’s Los Angeles Class fast attack submarine USS BREMERTON (SSN 698) would have been changed forever had it not Continue Reading →
Editor’s Note: I want to thank Russ Woods, ICC/SS USN (Ret) for keeping the memory alive with another great candid eye-witness reflection about one of the original USS Bremerton SSN 698 sailors. MM1(SS) Continue Reading →
By Sherman Smith, QM2/SS, US Navy (Ret.) I was on a 688, a Los Angeles Class fast attack submarine, out of Pearl Harbor in the early 1980’s we were doing our Continue Reading →
During the first night of our Reno 2016 Reunion, we were all overwhelmed by the sudden deluge of old familiar faces before we slipped naturally into what would become an amazing 3 Continue Reading →
SAVING THE 698 in a way we didn’t predict The USS Bremerton SSN698, the longest serving active duty fleet submarine in the US Navy has recently received new life. Up until Continue Reading →
The Bremerton Order of Registration (Who will be in Reno) Keith Hetherington, Rich Crombie, Challen Yee, Joel Walton, Jeff Marcey, Glen Van Wyk, Sam Lantz, Bill Brehler, Tom Canter & Ric May Continue Reading →